Kent's Top Choice For 11+ Preparation

Success: 98% of our students passed the 11+ exam in 2023

For over 30 years, our expert tutors have been helping students unlock their full potential, guiding them towards academic success. Our dedicated tutoring services are specially designed for children aged 6 to 11, with a focus on preparing for the 11+ exams. We have proudly helped countless students gain admission to top grammar schools across Kent and beyond.

Why Parents  Choose Us.

  • Over 30 Years of Experience**: With decades of experience, we know exactly what it takes to excel in the 11+ exams.
  • High Pass Rate**: Our proven track record of success speaks for itself, with a consistently high pass rate among our students.
  • One-on-One & Group Tutoring**: Whether your child needs personalized attention or thrives in a group setting, we offer both options to suit their learning style.
  • Online Tutoring Available**: Busy schedule? No problem. We provide online tutoring sessions via Zoom, ensuring flexible learning that fits your family's needs.
  • Rated & Reviewed**: Our services come highly recommended by parents and students alike, with numerous five-star reviews and glowing testimonials.
red apple fruit on four pyle books


One on One Private Tutoring Gravesend

One on One Tutoring

Our one-on-one tutoring sessions are perfect for students who need focused, individualized attention. We create a customised learning plan for each child, helping them overcome specific challenges and reach their academic goals.

Group Tutoring

Group Tutoring

Group tutoring sessions provide a collaborative environment where students can learn together. This option is ideal for those who benefit from interactive learning with peers, offering both support and healthy competition.

Online tutoring Private kent gravesend

Online Tutoring

Our online tutoring services bring the classroom to your home. Via Zoom, we offer the same high-quality instruction as our in-person sessions, ensuring your child receives the guidance they need, wherever they are.

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